An International Scientific Achievement Unveiling for Imam Sadiq University

 | Post date: 2021/01/11 | 

Scientific meeting for the unveiling of the latest international work of professors and students of Imam Sadiq (AS) University entitled "The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Quran: "A Critical Study of Christoph Luxenberg's Views" was held virtually on January 1, 2021, on Google Meet platform.
This book is a critique of the book "The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Quran" by Christoph Luxenberg and has been published by the Islamic Center for Strategic Studies in Beirut. The unveiling ceremony began with the presence of a group of professors and students inside and outside the country at 18:30 Iranian time (17:00 Lebanese time) under the management of Dr. Mohammad Javad Sadiqimjad. After reciting a few verses from Quran, the head of the Islamic Center for Strategic Studies in Beirut, Samaha Al-Sheikh Hassan Al-Hadi, introduced the center -as the publisher of the book- and explained the center's approach to research related to the critique of Oriental studies.


Then, Dr. Abbas Mosalaeipour, Dean of the Theology Faculty, Islamic Studies, and Guidance of Imam Sadiq (AS) University, briefly introduced the book and the need to critique the theories put forward by the mentioned orientalist. Then, Dr. Mahmoud Karimi, director of the Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences at Imam Sadiq (AS) University and supervisor in writing the book, briefly introduced Christoph Luxenberg and pointed out the importance of writing the book and similar research. Then, Amir Hossein Ferasati, a student of Quran and Hadith Sciences from Imam Sadiq (AS) University and the author of this book, presented a brief report on the content of the book in two areas: "Review and critique of Luxenberg theory Fundamentals" and other "comparative examples of Luxenberg theory in the Holy Qur'an "and pointed out the weakness of the foundations of this theory and the numerous mistakes in applying it to the noble verses of the Holy Quran.
In the following, Samaha Al-Sheikh Al-Assad Ibn Ali Qeydara, a member of the faculty of the Islamic Center for Strategic Studies in Beirut, pointed out the outstanding features of this research work and examined the author's success in critically analyzing Luxenberg's theories and finally, he praised it for its goodness and pointed out some points that should be considered in future research on the book "The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Quran" written by Christoph Luxenberg.

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China’s Strategies in the Future World Order Specialized Meeting for the People's Republic of China’s Strategies in the Future World Order

 | Post date: 2021/01/11 | 
The specialized meeting of the Office of Economic Diplomacy Studies with the participation of the International Cooperation Office of Imam Sadiq (AS) University was held on Sunday, December 15, 2019, in the presence of Prof.  Yang Shao Tong, a prominent professor of foreign policy and head of the Tsinghua Institute of International Relations, at the Tadbir Hall of Imam Sadiq (as) University.

Professor Tong is a prominent Chinese figure in the field of international strategy and national security of the Chinese Communist Party, whose recent book has been translated and unveiled at the request of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also one of the prominent records of this world-renowned researcher is appearing in the list of the top 100 personalities of the American Foreign Policy magazine last year.

Messrs. Dr. Mehdi Sadiqi Shahedani, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Education and Economics, Dr. Asghar Eftekhari, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Education and Political Science, Dr. Mohammad Hadi ZahediVafa, Vice Chancellor for University Planning and Programs, Dr. Khani, Faculty member of the Faculty of Islamic Studies and Political Science, Dr. Emami, Vice Chancellor for Research, Dr. Jafari, President of Tadbir-e-Eqtesad Institute, Dr. Khoshchehreh, Master of Culture and Communication Organization and a group of university students and experts attended the professional meeting and discussed scientific topics on China’s civilization, China's future strategy in the world order, the Sino-US trade war, and the feasibility of Iran-China relations in the face of US policies.

Professor Yang Shao Tong, while expressing his satisfaction with attending the gathering of academics, emphasized the possibility of scientific exchanges between Imam Sadiq (AS) University and Tsinghua Institute of International Relations and they welcomed the establishment of the Office of Economic Diplomacy Studies at Imam Sadiq (as) University by presenting an exquisite gift on behalf of the Tsinghua Institute.

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Publication of the book "The Islamic Revolution of Iran and International Relations" by Lambert Publications, Germany Publication of the book

 | Post date: 2021/01/11 | 
The book “The Islamic Revolution of Iran and International Relations; Participation in Theory and Practice” Compiled by Dr. Abuzar Gohari Moghaddam, Faculty Member of the Faculty of Islamic Education and Political Science, and Amir Mohammad Ismaili, published by Lambert Publications, Germany is released.
The book “The Islamic Revolution of Iran and International Relations; Participation in Theory and Practice” examines the impact of the Islamic Revolution of Iran on theories of international relations in two main sections. This book, which is a collection of articles by professors and researchers of Imam Sadiq (AS) University, has been compiled in line with the scientific authority of the university and to present the ideas of Iranian-Islamic researchers in the international field. This book is now available on reputable book sales sites, including Amazon.

The first part of the present book, entitled “Islamic Revolution and the Evolution of Theories” in four chapters, follows the impact of the Islamic Revolution in the design of new concepts and theories in the field of international politics. The first chapter of this section is written by Dr. Asghar Eftekhari entitled “Religionization of Politics versus Secularization of Politics: "An Islamic Alternative". The next chapter is "Comparison of Key Concepts of Critical Theory and Islamic Theory of International Relations in the Study of International Peace", written by Dr. Alireza Koohkan. The third chapter is the work of Dr. Mohammad Hassan Khani, entitled "Peace in International Relations: "Islamic Perspective". The final chapter of this section is "Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence of Foreign Policy in Imam Khomeini's Thought" by Dr. Mohammad Javad Harati, a graduate of Imam Sadiq (AS) University and a member of the faculty of the Bu Ali University of Hamedan.
The second part of the book discusses the "Islamic Revolution and Islamic movements” in five chapters. The first chapter of this section is a joint work written by Dr. Mohammad Sadiq Nosratpanah and Massoud Bakhshi, entitled "Anti-Arrogance Approach and Support for the Oppressed in the World in Imam Khomeini's Foreign Policy Thought with Emphasis on the Semantics of Repression and Arrogance in Al-Mizan Interpretation". The next chapter includes "Introduction to the logic of Iran's foreign policy in support of world movements" written by Dr. Mehdi Javadani Moghaddam and the third chapter of this section, which is a joint work of Dr. Abuzar Gohari Moghadam and Seyyed Ali Latifi, is entitled "The ideal of the nation in the political thought of Imam Khomeini". The next chapter is the work of Amir Mohammad Ismaili, which deals with "the internal trends of the Islamic world and the revival of the new Islamic civilization in the post-Westphalia international community". The final chapter of this section is entitled "Arbaeen, a social ritual in the form of civilization: "Capacities of Civilization and Sub-System" has been written by Dr. Hossein Mohammadi Sirat.

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Understanding International Politics after Covid-19

 | Post date: 2020/12/17 | 

Understanding International Politics after Covid-19 :Challenges, Issues and Perspectives

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Lund University

 | Post date: 2019/08/31 | 
an Academic deligation from Lund University visit ISU

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Qatar University

 | Post date: 2019/08/31 | 
an Academic deligation from Qatar University visit ISU

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Opening of Imam Sadiq Publication Center

 | Post date: 2019/08/31 | 
Opening of Imam Sadiq Publication Center

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Preparing for final exams

 | Post date: 2019/08/31 | 
Preparing for final exams

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The ISU Multimedia Studio

 | Post date: 2019/08/31 | 
The ISU Multimedia Studio is a free service for the ISU community to assist students, staff, and faculty in creating quality productions

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The Student Health Center

 | Post date: 2019/08/31 | 
The Student Health Center is located in ISU

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Preparing for final exams

 | Post date: 2019/08/31 | 
Preparing for final exams

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Preparing for final exams

 | Post date: 2019/08/31 | 
preparing for final exams

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 | Post date: 2019/08/31 | 

(Islamic Capital Market; June 17, 2019)

The Islamic Knowledge Management Faculty of Imam Sadiq University (ISU) and The Scientific Association of Islamic Knowledge Management Students in partnership with Office for Academic and International Cooperation and The Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran held a meeting on the morning of Tuesday 17 June at VIP Saloon of Public Relations Department about Islamic Capital Market (ICM).

Special guests were:

  • Mohammad Azman Noor, Associate Professor of International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Nasim Shah Shirazi, Professor of Islamic Finance, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
  • Irwan Abdalloh, Head of Islamic Capital Division, Indonesia Stock Exchange
  • Amin Mohseni Cheraghlou, Assistant Professor of American University, Washington DC, USA

This meeting had two parts. The first part was a friendly meeting between professors of the faculty and special guests. First Dr.Tohidi welcomed the guests and introduced himself and his colleagues, Dr.Hasan Zadeh and Dr.Qavam. Then, Dr.Qavam explained the method of teaching Islamic Banking in ISU and an independent search project on Iranian Banks by undergraduate students. After that, the guests started to introduce themselves and talking about their careers. Also, they had a small discussion about some topics like the lack of work on ICM and its importance.This friendly meeting was about 30 minutes.

The meeting officially started by Holy Quran recitation. Then, guests started to give their speech. First, Dr.Amin Mohseni Cheraghlou started to talk. He emphasized that there is too much focus on theories and fundamentals. but, there should be a balance between this and practicing. He mentioned the student should think about the issues in society and try to come up with solutions. if they do not use this method, so, their knowledge will hurt then instead of helping them. Then, a student asked him about opportunities for studying abroad. Dr.Mohseni strongly recommended him to complete his Islamic studies in Iran because it is the base of Islamic studies. Also, he mentioned that some problems are universal and they are in all universities.
Then Mr.Mohammad Azman Noor started his speech on ICM and how should Islamic Universities act in this field. He emphasized that professors should bring students to work and give them enough knowledge and confidence to solve the problems. Then, he mentioned that ICM and its tools could be different in different countries.
Then, Dr.Nasim Shah Shirazi presented about Microfinance and its clusters like price, product, regulation, clients and etc. First, he mentioned the problems and issues in each part and then, tried to give some solutions for them. After that, one of the students asked him about financing universities in other countries. Dr.Shirazi’s answered that universities usually have been financed by the government and fees that they receive from students. He also mentioned Waqf as an important way of financing universities.

Next, it was Dr.Irwan Abdalloh’s turn to give his speech. He talked about ICM and lack of innovation in it. He mentioned we need to think simple about the innovations and be focus on them. Also, he explained that innovations in different countries can be different from each other and each Islamic country may need its own tools and innovations in Islamic Capital Market.

After all the speeches, professors heard questions from students and their points. Finally, there was a 5 minutes clip about Imam Sadiq University.
At the end, the faculty gave the guests some gifts and memorials and appreciated them for their presence.

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